2009 m. kovo 3 d., antradienis

*DOLL - Marion Cottillard

Marion Cotillard (born September 30, 1975) is a French actress who has appeared in almost forty film and television productions since 1993.

Born into an acting family, Cotillard started on the stage as a child and during her teens progressed from roles in television to cinema. By the end of the 1990s she had achieved notability as a French cinema actress in such films as Arnaud Desplechin's My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument (1996) and Taxi (1998), and was seen by a wider audience in such films as Big Fish (2003) and A Very Long Engagement (2004), for which she received a César Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Her portrayal of Édith Piaf in La Vie En Rose (2007) brought international acclaim, and multiple awards including a BAFTA, a César Award, and a Golden Globe. With this film, she became the first actress to win an Academy Award for a French language performance.

Cotillard has expressed interest in environmental causes, and has served as a spokesperson for Greenpeace. She is currently the companion of actor/director Guillaume Canet.

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