2009 m. gegužės 2 d., šeštadienis


Now when you create a new account…

1st: More free items:

When you open the big present…

Isn’t it unfair? 75 Stardollars (20STD you can open today, the next 25 STD tomorrow, and the 30STD the day after that), one present more, and 3 items…

When you open the 2nd present (you need to confirm your e-mail 1st), you get…

Then you have a 3rd present…but you need to come back the next day.. Does anyone knows what is it?

Plus, more free clothes!!!

New dolls receive 2 complete outfits + 10 presents + 75 stardollars + free 4 items.

I think it’s all unfair :(

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